Chasing Wonder: Small Steps Toward a Life of Big Advent… (2024)

Monica H (TeaandBooks)

745 reviews67 followers

June 15, 2021

I don't know about you, but a lot of times I just want to fit in with everyone else. According to Ginger Stache, you weren’t born to be like everyone else because God made you to stand out. In Chasing Wonder, Stache encourages readers to live the life of adventure and to trust God through all of the adventures.

Chasing Wonder is divided in to 3 sections: An Adventure Mentality, Live in Wonder and Splashing Joy. Each chapter is full of encouragement, stories from Stache's life of adventure and uplifting Bible verses. At the end of each chapter, there is a short page that sums up the basic ideas from the chapter called, "Step by Step."

Stache is definitely an encouraging writer and, as a reader, I could feel her energy and excitement for life as I read through the pages. It did make me want to become more adventurous in my own life. I enjoyed her stories of traveling all over the world as she works for Joyce Meyer as her Chief Creative Officer. Some of her storeis were funny, others were touching, but they all inspired me to live my life a bit fuller for God. Chasing Wonder is just a fun book that could inspire joy in most people.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions within this review are my own.



1,050 reviews33 followers

August 25, 2022

I really enjoyed this book! I hovered between 4 or 5 stars because, to be honest, I don't resonate with the author very much. She is loud, bold, and adventurous. That particular personality certainly has its benefits, but I'm also quite content in my own little circle as a homebody, so we are very different. However, she convincingly extols the benefits of getting outside of your comfort zone to grow and serve God and others. It may be a bit easier or at least more natural for people who are outgoing to put themselves out there, but we can all challenge ourselves at our own levels and devote more of our time to helping others. Reading about her adventures with an open mind and listening to her interactions with people from all different walks of life was very edifying and humbling. I doubt I will ever be the type of adventurer that she is, however, the same principles that guide her lifestyle can be applied to mine and used to find more wonder and gratitude in life.


3,916 reviews95 followers

June 12, 2021

Life is to be an adventure, Stache says, filled with wonder. Such a life won't happen automatically though. We must pursue it and nurture a mindset of expectancy. She helps us learn how to do that with lessons from her own experiences.

Stache knows what she's writing about. She's on the staff with Joyce Meyer Ministries and has traveled the world. She shares many of her exciting adventures. Readers might be intimidated by the wild stories but Stache is quick to say that all the adventure God has planned for us is not necessarily around the world. It could be around the block. She says her own favorite adventures were those revolving around opportunities to love.

To prepare for adventure, whether it be across the world or across the street, Stache helps us cultivate an adventure mentality. She helps us learn how to delight in God's wonder all around us. She helps us understand what might be holding us back, such as fear of embarrassment or being uncomfortable or being vulnerable. She encourages us to blaze our own path with a willingness to stretch more than normal, always knowing the Father will be with us. Her book is a joy to read and she adds great practical steps to take at the end of each chapter.

If you are ready to leave your life of monotony behind, read this book. If you are ready to truly ask God what He would have you do, read this book. You might have to do something you'd never thought you'd do. The adventure with God awaits.

Food for thought: “God wants to amaze and surprise you.” (34/325)

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.


571 reviews4 followers

July 23, 2021

Thank you to the publisher for sending me this Arc.
This is such a wonderful book!! The scriptures and quotes throughout make you want to write all of them down to keep beside you. The author speaks about all the different things she has done in her life and how God has been with her throughout it. I would recommend this to anyone who needs a pick me up or needs to know that things are sometimes hard, but God is with you throughout it. Such a wonderful book that everyone should read.



682 reviews10 followers

August 15, 2021

In Chasing Wonder, Ginger Stache has written a book about how we can all live a life outside of our comfort zone and truly embrace life with every chance we get. Ginger is an Emmy award winner documentarian, writer, and television producer. She is also works for Joyce Meyer Ministries as a Creative Chief Officer. She begins the book by sharing one of her first adventures. She was eight years old hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. She ran ahead of her parents and climbed a crooked tree. She heard her parents warning her to stop and to come down. She kept climbing to the farthest point. She shared how she soon realized her parents couldn’t reach her and that she would have to climb back down. She admitted how afterwards, she thought it was awesome and she realized that she loved to have an adventure mentality. She opened up about how God wants us to enjoy our life see John 10:10. Throughout the book, she shared how she has traveled the world and has stepped outside her comfort zone to live her life to the fullest. She shared how readers can choose to make time to be creative, discovering your passions, exploring your talents, and letting go of our fears, and going after something we wouldn’t normally do. She explained how we can chase the wonder and she encouraged readers to find the beauty everywhere we go. Some of these could be just the day-to-day activities such as, “beautiful sunrise, kindness of a stranger, toddler’s giggle, snowflakes, puppies, a hug”. But we can also choose to go after bigger adventures like seeing the worlds and exploring.

I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to live their lives and they want to go on adventures and see the beauty of God’s green earth. I have seen Ginger on Joyce Meyer TV program before and I always thought she had more of a story to share with readers. I didn’t realize how much she enjoyed adventures and some of hers are interacting with different wild animals along the way. I also liked how she encouraged readers to enjoy everyday life and to see the wonder of God’s creation. I immensely liked how she tried to assist readers into living without masks and breaking the pretenses and not living to impress others. I believe this is a timely book for readers to engage in especially since most of us were stuck inside during covid and we can still find creative ways to enjoy our lives.

"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”

October 3, 2021

I loved this book so much and I can’t wait to re-read, right after I’ve just finished it!
I was so excited to get my hands on this book because I just adore Ginger so much on Joyce Meyer’s Talk It Out Podcast. She feels like a second mum and a friend, and I always come away with such a sense of peace and contentment after “hanging out” with the girls on the podcast.
I was a bit unsure about the topic of this book when I started - ‘small steps toward a life of big adventures’ - because I am more of a homebody, but it turned out this book was just perfect for me! Ginger explains how you can live life more fully, present and happy, everyday. Being an adventurer doesn’t mean being a traveller. You can live in wonder right where you are. And everything Ginger walks with you through just makes so much sense. I also loved all of her anecdotes and amazing stories of meeting beautiful people on missions trips with Hand of Hope. This was such a warm, friendly and smooth read - I really can’t wait to re-read. And it’s so practical! I feel excited to go away and have a good go at implementing the principles into my life.
Thank you so much Ginger for writing this book and for being true to who God made you to be. Thank you for always being so full of joy and kindness, even in the midst of hard times. Reading your book or listening to the podcast always feels like a big warm hug of understanding and encouragement, and you are such a blessing in my life.

Christina Claypool

Author7 books129 followers

June 4, 2021

How do I love this book? As poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning once wrote, “Let me count the ways...”
First, the engaging conversational writing voice allows the reader to jump inside the pages and follow along with Ginger Stache on her amazing worldwide adventures. Yet this is not simply a telling of exciting stories, rather it is an allegorical, spiritual narrative about the way we can all live our lives aware of the beauty and wonder surrounding us.
Secondly, I didn’t want to read this book too quickly, and miss the deep spiritual nuggets along the way. So, I read one chapter a day and concentrated on the lessons gleaned by Stache through her work with Joyce Meyer Ministries and her other personal life experiences. At the end of each chapter, I also took the time to contemplate the “Step by Step” suggestions and exercises.
Thirdly, because I am in the autumn season of my life and battling some physical disabilities, it would have been easy for me to say that “Chasing Wonder” is no longer something I envision myself doing. Thankfully, this incredible book filled with both humor and heartbreak, opened my eyes to the fact that there is still wonder all around me. I simply have to be courageous enough to embrace it.
Five stars, of course!
(I read a publisher’s ARC of this title supplied through the author)

Michelle Kidwell

Author36 books83 followers

June 10, 2021

Chasing Wonder
Small Steps Toward a Life of Big Adventures
by Ginger Stache
Worthy Publishing
Worthy Books
Pub Date 15 Jun 2021

I am reviewing a copy of Chasing Wonder: Small Steps Toward a Life of Big Adventures through Worthy Publishing and Netgalley:

We can survive without adventure, by keeping our heads down and live in your comfort zone, doing only what you must to maintain the day-to-day. But life is meant to be a grand adventure! Life should both surprise and wow us on a regular basis. The problem is our days are so full of routine, monotony, and fear, that it is easier to stay on that treadmill of boredom than it is to step off into the unknown and discover something wonderful.

Ginger Stache believes that we are at our best when we live with an attitude that life is an adventure an outlook that sets the stage by believing that every moment has the potential to bring something amazing, a sight to behold, or a lesson to be learned.

Walking through the adventures of the author in Chasing Wonder may give you the inspiration to start your own. And in doing so you will make space for God to move in marvelous and unexpected ways.

I give Chasing Wonder five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!


415 reviews

June 21, 2021

One chapter into “Chasing Wonder” by Ginger Stacey I decided that at age 50-something, this book was not for me. Fortunately, however, this didn’t make me quit. Instead, I forged on hoping that I would find some value in reading about adventure and taking chances at my advanced age.

I admire people who through caution to the wind and try new things, even dangerous things. I, myself, cannot make that decision. However, I did glean some wisdom about developing a different form of adventure mindset.

Life is about taking chances. They don’t have to be dangerous or life-threatening, but they do ask us to get out of our comfort zone and do something new to have a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.

Stache’s wisdom gained through a vast experience of taking bold chances teaches us how to do the same I our relationship with God. If you need some help with adventure, Chasing Wonder will help you.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Hatchette Book Group, as part of their Book Review Blogger Program. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsem*nts and Testimonials in Advertising.


1,102 reviews34 followers

June 7, 2021

Chasing Wonder is a well-written Christian living book by author Ginger Stache. I believe the thesis of Chasing Wonder is to live life with an attitude of gratitude and adventure.

Readers could live in the mundane of the every day but, when we make life an adventure and climb out of our comfort zones it can be much more than mundane.

Chasing Wonder has three sections. Section one focuses on the adventure mentality. Section two invites the reader to live in wonder. And, section three introduces splashes of joy.

After reading Chasing Wonder, I am ready for the next great adventure God has planned for me. It may be leading a women’s Bible study and it may involve less time on social media.

God Bless and Thank You for reading. I give Chasing Wonder 5*/5*

Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

    christian christian-living christian-non-fiction

119 reviews1 follower

January 16, 2022

"If we aren’t really looking, if we are distracted by the noise and clutter, or consumed by the very real pain of life, wonder fades quietly into the background and passes without notice."

This is quite an inspirational, well-written, Biblically-referenced book sharing the wonder that God has created, and helping readers to refocus and reframe to look for and seek out God's marvel!
I love the many pearls and personal anecdotes throughout, such as "faithful sneakers", and many inspirational quotes. I see this as an embodiment of growth mindset and the beauty that God has created! Well done!

"Do you want a life that is always comfortable or one that is meaningful?"

I love the author's discussion of "adventure mindset", focusing on the perspective and ways to see how adventure is in our everyday lives, and ways to seek it out more to give our lives more meaning, and better reaching God's plan for us, especially when it is"uncomfortable'".

This book is a call-to-action of sorts, motivating the readers to reach out to God for guidance on daily adventures, ways to chase wonder and truly see more God's beauty!

I highly recommend all considering!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Cover Lover Book Review

1,107 reviews74 followers

June 10, 2021

Chasing Wonder is a wonderfully venturesome, inspiring, and uplifting journey through spiritual living. And the quote at the beginning really sets the tone for the entire book:

Life is either a great adventure or nothing at all. -Helen Keller-

The book is presented in three sections titled: An Adventure Mentality, Live in Wonder, and Splashing Joy. Each section takes the reader on a passage through the author’s experiences. Some are poignant and heart-stirring, others make you laugh, but all show a zest for life and a willingness to establish a path to an abundant life, no matter our circ*mstances.

Sometimes this can be difficult but keeping a positive mindset and a heart of gratitude gets us so far. And isn’t it more exciting to think of our lives as an adventure, rather than not thinking about what our lives mean at all?

Dɪsᴄʟᴏsᴜʀᴇ: I ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇᴅ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʀʏ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs ʙᴏᴏᴋ. Mʏ ʀᴇᴠɪᴇᴡ ᴡᴀs ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴғʟᴜᴇɴᴄᴇᴅ.


162 reviews1 follower

July 25, 2021

I liked how the author is calling us to something more. We are made to have adventures, and to get out of our comfort zone and bring God to others. All of those things can be hard when we want to just stay in our bubble and do our own thing. I like that she introduces us to an adventure mentality. Anything and everything can be an adventure if we have the right mindset! I had a hard time staying engaged with this book, though. I think it was because I couldn't relate to the author very well. She has travelled extensively, whereas I have not. She kept telling her travel stories and I just didn't relate. Of course, that is a purely personal thing, nothing against the author at all.

Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.


25 reviews4 followers

July 17, 2021

Loved this book! I cannot express enough how much I absolutely loved and enjoyed this book! I recently made a commitment to myself to no longer care about other peoples opinions and to live the life I wanted to live all along. I thought this book would be helpful on my journey and act as a motivator during the hard times. Not only did it serve that purpose of being a motivator it over and above inspired me to continue on the path of self-love and seeing myself the way I’m supposed to.. through God‘s eyes. God Bless You, Ginger Stache, for writing such a beautiful book.

Michelle Noble

176 reviews3 followers

July 31, 2021

I love the personal stories that Ginger tells in her book. This book is all about how to explore and experience wonder every day in your life. I really love watching Ginger on tv, and on YouTube. However, some of the book was a little dry. I do like that she encourages people to discover their passions, and go beyond their comfort zones. I agree that you never know where you will end up, or will God will lead you.

Laura Prindable

952 reviews

September 7, 2021

Thank you Net Galley for the opportunity to read this novel for a review. Ginger Stache has lived a beautiful life. She recounts many experiences that would make me green with envy if I had that emotion normally. I read this book at a difficult time of my life when I have to rely on books to excite me. But I have hope and I hope I learned enough from this book to take advantage of it. Beautiful life and a beautiful read!

Cat Roule

308 reviews

October 5, 2021

I love this book so much! Through reading Chasing Wonder, my eyes have been open to all the adventure that can be had in my daily life! Ginger does an incredible job taking us on a journey of her exciting and adventurous life, while at the same time, showing us how we can have our own adventures, right in our own homes! It’s a fun and easy read, and it will literally change how you see your life. Thanks to Goodreads Giveaways for this gifted copy.



101 reviews


May 21, 2022

I was looking forward to hearing travel stories. There were some in here, but not in the detail I had expected. Often times they were just listed. There are more sentences about applying that chapter's topic and empowering you to think that way. Sometimes the sentences/ paragraphs were exactly what I wanted to hear and hit home. Other times it was unfortunately easy for me to read them as cheerleader cheers (positive yes, but also easy to breeze by because it's too rah-rah) .

Michelle Castaneda

1,192 reviews7 followers

June 5, 2021

Chasing Wonder by Ginger Stache is a book that calls you to adventure. The author writes with such enthusiasm about living life to the fullest. The stories and Scriptures really bring this book to life. I think it will be an encouragement to many. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

Mary Pauline M

261 reviews7 followers

June 14, 2021

( received complimentary e-copy from publisher ) While I found this read to be interesting, I had a difficult time staying connected to it. Not sure why, but just did not pull me in like I had thought it would.

Linda O'Dell

Author13 books10 followers

June 25, 2021

Highly recommend!
Chasing Wonder is an inspiring enthusiast celebration of wonder and joy in the world around us.
Pick it up today

Nancy Hooper

232 reviews1 follower

March 15, 2022

Listen on Audible and Truly Loved it. Great book and person


72 reviews1 follower

February 8, 2022

Nice simple audiobook to remind you of wonder and adventures.

Chasing Wonder: Small Steps Toward a Life of Big Advent… (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.