Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (2024)

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (1) supporte IMAP / SMTP

Cela signifie que vous n'avez pas besoin d'utiliser l'interface webmail de ! Vous pouvez consulter vos courriels à l'aide d'autres programmes de messagerie (comme Mailbird, Microsoft Outlook ou Mozilla Thunderbird). L'utilisation de programmes de messagerie de bureau vous rendra plus productif et votre courrier électronique sera toujours disponible, même hors ligne.

Configurez votre compte avec votre programme de messagerie en utilisant le protocole IMAP. avec votre programme de messagerie en utilisant IMAP

Pour accéder à votre compte de messagerie à partir d'un programme de messagerie de bureau, vous aurez besoin des paramètres IMAP et SMTP ci-dessous : Serveur IMAP Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (2) Port IMAP 993 Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (3)
Sécurité IMAP SSL
Nom d'utilisateur IMAP
Mot de passe IMAP Votre mot de passe Serveur SMTP Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (4) Port SMTP 465 Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (5)
Sécurité SMTP SSL
Nom d'utilisateur SMTP
Mot de passe SMTP Votre mot de passe Serveur POP3 Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (6) Port POP3 995 Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (7)
Sécurité POP3 SSL
Nom d'utilisateur POP3
Mot de passe POP3 Votre mot de passe

Vous avez des problèmes avec IMAP ? Découvrez Mailbird GRATUIT.

Mailbird trouvera automatiquement les paramètres de votre compte.
Nos clients adorent ce programme.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (8)

Besoin de plus de conseils ?

Consultez nos instructions détaillées pour vos clients de messagerie préférés

Votre nom complet

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (9)

Mailbird - Étape 1

Saisissez votre nom et votre adresse électronique. Cliquez sur Continuer.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (10)

Mailbird - Étape 2

Mailbird détecte automatiquement vos paramètres de messagerie. Cliquez sur Continuer.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (11)

Mailbird - Étape 3

Tout est prêt ! Vous pouvez ajouter d'autres comptes ou commencer à utiliser Mailbird.

Vous n'avez pas encore Mailbird ?

Mailbird pourrait être en mesure de détecter automatiquement les paramètres du serveur pour pour vous.

Essayez-le maintenant

Voir sur YouTube: "Comment configurer un compte de messagerie IMAP et SMTP dans Gmail ?"

Guide des bonus

Comment configurer un compte de messagerie IMAP / POP3 et SMTP dans Gmail ?

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (12)

Gmail - Étape 1

Dans le coin supérieur droit, cliquez sur Paramètres et sur Voir tous les paramètres.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (13)

Gmail - Étape 2

Sélectionnez Comptes et importation, puis cliquez sur Ajouter un compte de messagerie.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (14)

Gmail - Étape 3

Saisissez l'adresse électronique que vous souhaitez ajouter.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (15)

Gmail - Étape 4

Sélectionnez l'une des deux options. Votre mot de passe 995

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (16)

Gmail - Étape 5

Saisissez les informations suivantes pour compléter les paramètres du courrier électronique.

Pas de temps pour Gmail ?

Mailbird pourrait être en mesure de détecter automatiquement les paramètres du serveur pour pour vous.

Essayez-le maintenant

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (17)

Outlook - Étape 1

Cliquez sur l'onglet Fichier dans le coin supérieur gauche de la fenêtre Outlook.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (18)

Outlook - Étape 2

Cliquez sur Ajouter un compte.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (19)

Outlook - Étape 3

Saisissez votre nouvelle adresse électronique et cliquez sur Connecter

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (20)

Outlook - Étape 4

Sur l'écran suivant, sélectionnez IMAP 993 SSL 465 SSL

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (21)

Outlook - Étape 5

Ajoutez les informations suivantes et cliquez sur Suivant

Pas de temps pour Outlook ?

Mailbird pourrait être en mesure de détecter automatiquement les paramètres du serveur pour pour vous.

Essayez-le maintenant

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (22)

Thunderbird - Étape 1

Dans Mozilla Thunderbird, dans le menu, sélectionnez Paramètres du compte.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (23)

Thunderbird - Étape 2

Dans le coin inférieur gauche, cliquez sur Actions de compte et sur Ajouter un compte de messagerie...

Votre nom complet Votre mot de passe

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (24)

Thunderbird - Étape 3

Saisissez votre adresse e-mail et cliquez sur Configurer manuellement...
993 465
SSL SSL Votre mot de passe

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (25)

Thunderbird - Étape 4

Ajoutez les informations suivantes et cliquez sur Terminé

Pas de temps pour Thunderbird ?

Mailbird pourrait être en mesure de détecter automatiquement les paramètres du serveur pour pour vous.

Essayez-le maintenant

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (26)

Windows Mail - Étape 1

Cliquez sur l'icône "Setting" en bas à gauche.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (27)

Windows Mail - Étape 2

Cliquez sur Gérer les comptes.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (28)

Windows Mail - Étape 3

Cliquez sur + Ajouter un compte.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (29)

Windows Mail - Étape 4

Cliquez sur Configuration avancée.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (30)

Windows Mail - Étape 5

Cliquez sur Internet email. Votre nom complet

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (31)

Windows Mail - Étape 6

Saisissez les informations suivantes dans les différents champs.

Pas de temps pour Windows Mail ?

Mailbird pourrait être en mesure de détecter automatiquement les paramètres du serveur pour pour vous.

Essayez-le maintenant

Questions fréquemment posées sur la configuration du courrier électronique

Voici quelques questions fréquemment posées sur et la configuration du courrier électronique, ainsi que leurs réponses

En bref, IMAP se connecte au serveur de votre fournisseur de messagerie et est utilisé pour recevoir du courrier électronique, tandis que SMTP est utilisé pour envoyer du courrier à d'autres serveurs.

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) est un protocole qui demande à votre fournisseur de messagerie de sauvegarder tous vos messages et dossiers sur ses propres serveurs. Ainsi, que vous utilisiez un client de messagerie ou un webmail, vous pourrez vous connecter à votre compte de messagerie et consulter tous les messages que vous avez reçus, car ils sont toujours stockés sur leur serveur.

STMP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) est le protocole qui permet d'envoyer des messages électroniques de votre compte vers d'autres destinations. Il permet à votre client de messagerie de se connecter au serveur de votre fournisseur pour envoyer du courrier sortant, notamment vers d'autres serveurs.

Oui. Mailbird utilise IMAP ou POP3 pour se connecter à la plupart des fournisseurs de courrier électronique. La technologie de Mailbird peut détecter automatiquement les paramètres du serveur lorsque vous entrez votre adresse de courriel.

S'il n'est pas en mesure de détecter les paramètres, vous pouvez configurer votre courriel manuellement en entrant les détails que votre fournisseur a indiqués pour ses paramètres de serveur : comme le port IMAP ou POP3 et la sécurité IMAP ou POP3.

Vous devrez également entrer le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe que vous avez assignés à votre fournisseur de courriel.

Vous pouvez considérer le "port" comme un numéro d'adresse. De la même manière qu'une adresse IP identifie l'emplacement d'un ordinateur, le port identifie l'application fonctionnant sur cet ordinateur.

Il existe quelques numéros de port courants, utilisez toujours les paramètres recommandés pour configurer votre serveur de messagerie avec Mailbird.

S'il est important pour vous d'économiser de l'espace sur votre bureau, ou si vous êtes préoccupé par la sauvegarde de vos courriels, sélectionnez IMAP. Cela signifie que vos courriels seront stockés sur le serveur de votre fournisseur de messagerie.

POP3 téléchargera vos courriels pour les stocker localement et les supprimera ensuite du serveur. Cela libère de l'espace sur votre serveur, mais si quelque chose arrive à votre stockage local, ces courriels ne seront pas disponibles en ligne. Si vous vous sentez à l'aise avec le fait de n'avoir qu'une copie locale de vos fichiers, POP3 est une option viable.

Lisez cet article pour en savoir plus sur leurs caractéristiques et leurs différences.

Mailbird pour Mac est en route ! Malheureusem*nt, Mailbird n'est pas encore disponible pour nos amis utilisant des appareils Apple. Si vous souhaitez être tenu au courant de l'arrivée de Mailbird pour Mac, cliquez ici.

Si vos anciens courriels sont encore disponibles dans votre compte, ils seront automatiquement importés. Le protocole IMAP synchronise vos courriels et vos dossiers avec le serveur de messagerie, ce qui permet de gérer vos courriels sur n'importe quel appareil connecté à votre compte.

Une fois que vous avez ajouté votre compte à Mailbird, celui-ci vous donnera accès à vos courriels immédiatement, aucune autre action n'est requise.

Note : Si vos courriels proviennent de votre serveur local, il ne sera pas possible de les importer à cause des protocoles IMAP.

Cette page vous guidera dans la configuration d'un compte de messagerie pour Mailbird. L'étape 6 concerne le processus manuel.

Nos politiques de confidentialité et nos conditions d'utilisation sont 100 % conformes au règlement général européen sur la protection des données (RGPD) à compter du 25 mai 2018.

Mailbird ne peut jamais lire aucune de vos informations personnelles. Cela inclut vos emails, pièces jointes et mots de passe de compte. Mailbird est un client local sur votre ordinateur et toutes les données sensibles ne sont jamais partagées avec Mailbird ou qui que ce soit d'autre.

Vous pouvez nous contacter directement à tout moment pour revoir ou refuser les informations que nous détenons et qui se rapportent à vous et à votre compte. Veuillez écrire à

Apprenez à en faire plus avec votre compte

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (32)

Renvoi d'e-mails dans

Faites taire les e-mails distrayants pour nettoyer votre boîte de réception lorsque vous utilisez

En savoir plus sur les courriels à retardement

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (33)

Lire les accusés de réception dans

Suivre les e-mails pour savoir quand ils sont ouverts et lus en utilisant

Plus d'informations sur les accusés de réception

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (34)

Annuler l'envoi d'un e-mail dans

Annuler l'envoi d'un courriel sur n'importe quel compte de messagerie lors de l'utilisation de

En savoir plus sur l'annulation d'un e-mail envoyé

Vous avez un autre fournisseur de courrier électronique ?

Cliquez sur votre fournisseur de messagerie ci-dessous pour savoir comment vous connecter pour accéder à votre compte avec IMAP :

  • xfinity email

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The article details the essential parameters required for setting up email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols, or Mozilla Thunderbird. The article details the essential parameters required for setting up email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols.lla Thunderbird. The article details the essential parameters required for setting up email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Letderbird. The article details the essential parameters required for setting up email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let'serbird. The article details the essential parameters required for setting up email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break The article details the essential parameters required for setting up email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break downarticle details the essential parameters required for setting up email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. 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  2. **IMAP Detailsting up email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:

  3. **IMAP ( up email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:

  4. **IMAP (Internet email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:

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  6. **IMAP (Internet Message Accesscom email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:

  7. **IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocolm email accounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:

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    • IMounts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
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    • IMAPnts using the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
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    • IMAP is the IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
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    • IMAP is ahe IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
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    • IMAP is a protocol IMAP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
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    • IMAP is a protocol thatP and SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
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    • IMAP is a protocol that allowsand SMTP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
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    • IMAP is a protocol that allows yourP protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
  20. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email protocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
  21. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email providerocols. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
  22. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider tools. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
  23. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to stores. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:
  24. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your t's break down the key concepts mentioned:
  25. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messagesbreak down the key concepts mentioned:
  26. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages andeak down the key concepts mentioned:
  27. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders onown the key concepts mentioned:
  28. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on theirwn the key concepts mentioned:
  29. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their serversn the key concepts mentioned:
  30. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers. he key concepts mentioned:
  31. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers. e key concepts mentioned:
  32. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers. -y concepts mentioned:
  33. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitatesconcepts mentioned:
  34. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessingmentioned:
  35. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing yourentioned:
  36. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your emailoned:
  37. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):

    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account -1. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or (Internet Message Access Protocol):**
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email your-emailessage Access Protocol):**
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clientssage Access Protocol):**
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping thege Access Protocol):**
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messagesccess Protocol):**
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages storedcess Protocol):**
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on Protocol):**
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on therotocol):**
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server. **
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server. -- IMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMMAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAPAP is a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings fors a protocol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for gcol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for gmxol that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for that allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for includehat allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include: allows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include: ows your email provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Serveremail provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMail provider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP ovider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP: imapider to store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP: imap.g store all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP: all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP: all your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP: ll your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • your messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Portr messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IM messages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAPsages and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP:ges and folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: nd folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993d folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993 folders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993 lders on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • on their servers.
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security Security: SSL .
    • It facilitates accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IM - Username: your accessing your email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security email account from various devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: - Password: Yourarious devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSLous devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL us devices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL evices or email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • email clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.

    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Usernameail clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username andl clients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Passwordlients while keeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IM3 Settingskeeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAPeping the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authenticationing the messages stored on the server.
    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.

the messages stored on the server.

  • IMAP settings for include:
    • Server IMAP:
    • Port IMAP: 993
    • Security IMAP: SSL
    • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.

2e messages stored on the server.

  • IMAP settings for include:
    • Server IMAP:
    • Port IMAP: 993
    • Security IMAP: SSL
    • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.

2.:es stored on the server.

  • IMAP settings for include:
    • Server IMAP:
    • Port IMAP: 993
    • Security IMAP: SSL
    • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  1. **tored on the server.

    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  2. **SMTPred on the server.

    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  3. **SMTP (d on the server.

    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  4. **SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol the server.

    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  5. **SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):the server.

    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  6. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol): -rver.

    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  7. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  8. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

      • IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  9. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP - IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  10. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is IMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  11. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is theIMAP settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  12. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol settings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  13. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsibleettings for include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  14. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible foror include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  15. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sendingr include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  16. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  17. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  18. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your include:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  19. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your accountnclude:
      • Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  20. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to - Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  21. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other - Server IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  22. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinationsServer IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  23. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations. IMAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  24. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations. MAP:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  25. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations. -P:
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  26. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  27. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  28. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  29. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your
      • Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  30. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client:- Port IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  31. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client tot IMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  32. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connectMAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  33. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect toAP: 993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  34. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your993
      • Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  35. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider- Security IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  36. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider'sSecurity IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  37. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's serverurity IMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  38. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server toIMAP: SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  39. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send SSL
      • Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  40. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing - Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  41. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail - Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  42. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to - Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  43. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other - Username and Password for IMAP authentication.
  44. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other serversUsername and Password for IMAP authentication.
  45. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers. ername and Password for IMAP authentication.
  46. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers. name and Password for IMAP authentication.
  47. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers. -Internetassword for IMAP authentication.
  48. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTPfor IMAP authentication.
  49. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settingsP authentication.
  50. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settings forication.
  51. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settings for gmx: on.
  52. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settings for
  53. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settings for include
  54. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.

    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include: *SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):**

    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.

    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server retrieve emailsTransfer Protocol):**
    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.

    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTPfer Protocol):**
    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.

    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:r Protocol):**
    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.

    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP: smtptocol):**
    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.

    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP: smtp.g**
    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.

    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.

    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP: - SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
    • SMTP is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.

    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP: is the protocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • tootocol responsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Portresponsible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP:ible for sending emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: multipleng emails from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465s from your account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465 our account to other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • remain other destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Securityher destinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTPdestinations.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP:tions.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSLons.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL s.
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
    • It enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL -enables your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Usernameles your email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username andur email client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Passwordmail client to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password forclient to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authenticationent to connect to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.
    • SMTP settings for include:

      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.

    theirt to your provider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.

3 fromovider's server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

  • SMTP settings for include:
    • Server SMTP:
    • Port SMTP: 465
    • Security SMTP: SSL
    • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  1. ** server to send outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  2. **POP.

send outgoing mail to other servers.

  • SMTP settings for include:
    • Server SMTP:
    • Port SMTP: 465
    • Security SMTP: SSL
    • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  1. **POP3end outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  2. **POP3 (nd outgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  3. **POP3 (Postoutgoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  4. **POP3 (Post Officeoing mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  5. **POP3 (Post Office Protocolng mail to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  6. **POP3 (Post Office Protocol l to other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  7. **POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3other servers.

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  8. **POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):vers.

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  9. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • SMTP settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  10. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3): MTP settings for include:

    • Server SMTP:
    • Port SMTP: 465
    • Security SMTP: SSL
    • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  11. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • settings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  12. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POPttings for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  13. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3s for include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  14. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 isor include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  15. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is include:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  16. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned butnclude:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  17. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but ise:
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  18. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not
      • Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  19. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the - Server SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  20. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primaryer SMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  21. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focusSMTP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  22. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus.TP:
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  23. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus.
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  24. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It
      • Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  25. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an between Port SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  26. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative SMTP: 465
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  27. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IM65
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  28. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP
      • Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  29. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, - Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  30. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading - Security SMTP: SSL
      • Username and Password for SMTP authentication.
  31. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing themures that emails reach the recipient's mail server.

3TP authentication.

  1. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from theP authentication.
  2. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server. uthentication.
  3. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POPentication.
  4. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings forntication.
  5. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for gmx.comication.
  6. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for includeion.
  7. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):

    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include: . POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3):
    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include: (Post Office Protocol 3):**
    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include: -Post Office Protocol 3):**
    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Serverost Office Protocol 3):**
    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP Office Protocol 3):**
    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3ffice Protocol 3):**
    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3: pop -e Protocol 3):**
    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3: pop.gol 3):**
    • POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3: - POP3 is mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3: retrieve mentioned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3: ned but is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3: -ut is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port is not the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POPot the primary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3:. imary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: ary focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995y focus. It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995 . It is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995 t is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995 -is an alternative to IMAP, downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995
      • Security POP3: SSL POP3 downloads emails to downloading emails to store them locally and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995
      • Security POP3: SSL
      • local device and typically removesly and removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995
      • Security POP3: SSL
      • Usernamed removing them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995
      • Security POP3: SSL
      • Username andoving them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995
      • Security POP3: SSL
      • Username and Passwordg them from the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995
      • Security POP3: SSL
      • Username and Password forfrom the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995
      • Security POP3: SSL
      • Username and Password for POProm the server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995
      • Security POP3: SSL
      • Username and Password for POP3 server.
    • POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995
      • Security POP3: SSL
      • Username and Password for POP3 authentication - POP3 settings for include:
      • Server POP3:
      • Port POP3: 995
      • Security POP3: SSL
      • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.


ngs for include:

  • Server POP3:
  • Port POP3: 995
  • Security POP3: SSL
  • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.

4 for include:

  • Server POP3:
  • Port POP3: 995
  • Security POP3: SSL
  • Username and Password for POP3 authentication. include:

  • Server POP3:
  • Port POP3: 995
  • Security POP3: SSL
  • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  1. **com include:

    • Server POP3:
    • Port POP3: 995
    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  2. **Configurationm include:

    • Server POP3:
    • Port POP3: 995
    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  3. **Configuration Steps include:

    • Server POP3:
    • Port POP3: 995
    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  4. **Configuration Steps forclude:

    • Server POP3:
    • Port POP3: 995
    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  5. **Configuration Steps for Email - Server POP3:

    • Port POP3: 995
    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  6. **Configuration Steps for Email ClientsP3:

    • Port POP3: 995
    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  7. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (

    • Port POP3: 995
    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  8. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (

    • Port POP3: 995
    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  9. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbirdcom

    • Port POP3: 995
    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  10. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, - Port POP3: 995

    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  11. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, OutlookP3: 995

    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  12. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook,

    • Security POP3: SSL
    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  13. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunder - Security POP3: SSL

    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  14. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbirdity POP3: SSL

    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  15. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird,POP3: SSL

    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  16. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows SSL

    • Username and Password for POP3 authentication.
  17. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail - Username and Password for POP3 authentication.

  18. **Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):name and Password for POP3 authentication.

  19. Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail): making Password for POP3 authentication.

  20. Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail): sword for POP3 authentication.

  21. Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail): -for POP3 authentication.

  22. Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):

    • Specific authentication.
  23. Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):

    • Specific stepstication.
  24. Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):

    • Specific steps aretion.
  25. Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):

    • Specific steps are provided. . Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring Configuration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring gConfiguration Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring gmx Steps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring gmx.comeps for Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accountsor Email Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts onmail Clients (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popularnts (Mailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular emailMailbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clientslbird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients,ird, Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing thelook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the useook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use oferbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMbird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAPird, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for, Windows Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for itsws Mail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantagesMail):**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in:**
    • Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility - Specific steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility andic steps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronizationeps are provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization. provided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization. rovided for configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization. -or configuring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • Thenfiguring accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance ofcom accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of usingom accounts on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of using recommendeds on popular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of using recommended portpular email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of using recommended port numbersr email clients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of using recommended port numbers forients, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuringents, emphasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring thephasizing the use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server use of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server ise of IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlightedf IMAP for its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.
    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.

its advantages in accessibility and synchronization.

  • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.

5: in accessibility and synchronization.

  • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted. accessibility and synchronization.

  • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  1. **Mailaccessibility and synchronization.

    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  2. **Mailbirdssibility and synchronization.

    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  3. **Mailbird:bility and synchronization.

    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  4. Mailbird: lity and synchronization.

    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  5. Mailbird: and synchronization.

    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  6. Mailbird: -ynchronization.

    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  7. Mailbird:

    • A specific annization.
    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  8. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention
    • The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  9. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is- The importance of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  10. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is madece of using recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  11. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of anusing recommended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  12. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailmmended port numbers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  13. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird. In thembers for configuring the server is highlighted.
  14. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, ar configuring the server is highlighted.
  15. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that canonfiguring the server is highlighted.
  16. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automaticallyring the server is highlighted.
  17. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detecting the server is highlighted.
  18. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect emaile server is highlighted.
  19. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings er is highlighted.
  20. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, makingis highlighted.
  21. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making theIMighlighted.
  22. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configurationhlighted.
  23. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration processlighted.
  24. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.


  25. Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.


  1. Mailbird:
    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.

6.5. Mailbird:

  • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.
  1. *Mailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.
  2. ChoiceMailbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.
  3. Choice Betweenbird:

    • A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.
  4. **Choice Between IM - A specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.

  5. **Choice Between IMAPA specific mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.

  6. **Choice Between IMAP andfic mention is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.

  7. **Choice Between IMAP and POPtion is made of Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.

  8. **Choice Between IMAP and POP3f Mailbird, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.

  9. **Choice Between IMAP and POP3:rd, a program that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.

  10. Choice Between IMAP and POP3: emailram that can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.

  11. Choice Between IMAP and POP3: t can automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.

  12. Choice Between IMAP and POP3: -n automatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.

  13. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • Theatically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.
  14. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The articleically detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.
  15. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing-ly detect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.
  16. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMdetect email settings, making the configuration process seamless.
  17. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAPemail settings, making the configuration process seamless.
  18. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP ifsettings, making the configuration process seamless.
  19. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if spaceings, making the configuration process seamless.
  20. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space savingmaking the configuration process seamless.
  21. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving onhe configuration process seamless.
  22. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on theconfiguration process seamless.
  23. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the serverfiguration process seamless.
  24. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and allowsn process seamless.
  25. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibilityess seamless.
  26. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from seamless.
  27. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multipleless.
  28. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices
  29. Choice Between IMAP and POP3:

    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are Choice Between IMAP and POP3:
    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are prioritiesice Between IMAP and POP3:**
    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities. tween IMAP and POP3:**
    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities. AP and POP3:**
    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities. -and POP3:**
    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3:**
    • The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 - The article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 isThe article suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presentedarticle suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as suggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as ansuggests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an optiongests choosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option ifosing IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local POP IMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storageIMAP if space saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage isace saving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferredsaving on the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred,n the server and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, witherver and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the and accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat accessibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat thatibility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emailsbility from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may from multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may notm multiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not beultiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be availabletiple devices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available onlinedevices are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if are priorities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if somethingrities.
    • POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to risks - POP3 is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local is presented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storagesented as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.

7ted as an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage. an option if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.

  1. **ption if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.

  2. **Importon if local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.

  3. **Importance-f local storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.

  4. **Importance ofocal storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.

  5. **Importance of Automatic Detectional storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.

  6. **Importance of Automatic Detection:l storage is preferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.

  7. Importance of Automatic Detection: Featurespreferred, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.

  8. Importance of Automatic Detection:

    • Theed, with the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.
  9. Importance of Automatic Detection:

    • The article the caveat that emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.
  10. Importance of Automatic Detection:

    • The article recommends touches emails may not be available online if something happens to local storage.
  11. Importance of Automatic Detection:

    • The article recommends using additional features like email forwarding, read receipts, and email cancellation functionalities available on

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive guide on configuring email accounts using various emailbirdomprehensive guide on configuring email accounts using various email protocols its abilityde on configuring email accounts using various email protocols and automatically detectm email accounts using various email protocols and recommends settings using various email protocols and recommends using simplifyings email protocols and recommends using Mail configuration process.

nds using Mailbird.s using Mailbird forFAQg Mailbird for an:Mailbird for an optimallbird for an optimal emailird for an optimal email experienced for an optimal email experience. questions about email configuration are addressed, providingail configuration are addressed, providing clarityail configuration are addressed, providing clarity onail configuration are addressed, providing clarity on IMAP and SMTP usage.

  1. Mailbird Privacy Policy:

    • Assurances are given regarding the privacy policies of Mailbird, emphasizing compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the local storage of sensitive data.
  2. Additional Tips and Features:

    • Additional features and tips for managing emails on, such as delaying emails, tracking read receipts, and canceling sent emails, are briefly touched upon.

In conclusion, the article serves as a comprehensive guide for configuring email accounts on various desktop email clients, catering to users' preferences and priorities in email management.

Accédez à votre compte avec IMAP, SMTP ou POP3 - December 2023 (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.