3D Plotting — Python Numerical Methods (2024)

This notebook contains an excerpt from the Python Programming and Numerical Methods - A Guide for Engineers and Scientists, the content is also available at Berkeley Python Numerical Methods.

The copyright of the book belongs to Elsevier. We also have this interactive book online for a better learning experience. The code is released under the MIT license. If you find this content useful, please consider supporting the work on Elsevier or Amazon!

< 12.1 2D Plotting | Contents | 12.3 Working with Maps >

In order to plot 3D figures use matplotlib, we need to import the mplot3d toolkit, which adds the simple 3D plotting capabilities to matplotlib.

import numpy as npfrom mpl_toolkits import mplot3dimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.style.use('seaborn-poster')

Once we imported the mplot3d toolkit, we could create 3D axes and add data to the axes. Let’s first create a 3D axes.

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,10))ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')plt.show()

3D Plotting — Python Numerical Methods (2)

The ax = plt.axes(projection=’3d’) created a 3D axes object, and to add data to it, we could use plot3D function. And we could change the title, set the x,y,z labels for the plot as well.

TRY IT! Consider the parameterized data set t is a vector from 0 to \(10\pi\) with a step \(\pi/50\), x = sin(t), and y = cos(t). Make a three-dimensional plot of the (x,y,t) data set using plot3. Turn the grid on, make the axis equal, and put axis labels and a title. Let’s also activate the interactive plot using %matplotlib notebook, so that you can move and rotate the figure as well.

%matplotlib notebook
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')ax.grid()t = np.arange(0, 10*np.pi, np.pi/50)x = np.sin(t)y = np.cos(t)ax.plot3D(x, y, t)ax.set_title('3D Parametric Plot')# Set axes labelax.set_xlabel('x', labelpad=20)ax.set_ylabel('y', labelpad=20)ax.set_zlabel('t', labelpad=20)plt.show()

"); if (!fig.cell_info) { console.error("Failed to find cell for figure", id, fig); return; } var output_index = fig.cell_info[2] var cell = fig.cell_info[0];};mpl.figure.prototype.handle_close = function(fig, msg) { var width = fig.canvas.width/mpl.ratio fig.root.unbind('remove') // Update the output cell to use the data from the current canvas. fig.push_to_output(); var dataURL = fig.canvas.toDataURL(); // Re-enable the keyboard manager in IPython - without this line, in FF, // the notebook keyboard shortcuts fail. IPython.keyboard_manager.enable() $(fig.parent_element).html('3D Plotting — Python Numerical Methods (3)'); fig.close_ws(fig, msg);}mpl.figure.prototype.close_ws = function(fig, msg){ fig.send_message('closing', msg); // fig.ws.close()}mpl.figure.prototype.push_to_output = function(remove_interactive) { // Turn the data on the canvas into data in the output cell. var width = this.canvas.width/mpl.ratio var dataURL = this.canvas.toDataURL(); this.cell_info[1]['text/html'] = '3D Plotting — Python Numerical Methods (4)';}mpl.figure.prototype.updated_canvas_event = function() { // Tell IPython that the notebook contents must change. IPython.notebook.set_dirty(true); this.send_message("ack", {}); var fig = this; // Wait a second, then push the new image to the DOM so // that it is saved nicely (might be nice to debounce this). setTimeout(function () { fig.push_to_output() }, 1000);}mpl.figure.prototype._init_toolbar = function() { var fig = this; var nav_element = $('

') nav_element.attr('style', 'width: 100%'); this.root.append(nav_element); // Define a callback function for later on. function toolbar_event(event) { return fig.toolbar_button_onclick(event['data']); } function toolbar_mouse_event(event) { return fig.toolbar_button_onmouseover(event['data']); } for(var toolbar_ind in mpl.toolbar_items){ var name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][0]; var tooltip = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][1]; var image = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][2]; var method_name = mpl.toolbar_items[toolbar_ind][3]; if (!name) { continue; }; var button = $(''); button.click(method_name, toolbar_event); button.mouseover(tooltip, toolbar_mouse_event); nav_element.append(button); } // Add the status bar. var status_bar = $(''); nav_element.append(status_bar); this.message = status_bar[0]; // Add the close button to the window. var buttongrp = $('

'); var button = $(''); button.click(function (evt) { fig.handle_close(fig, {}); } ); button.mouseover('Stop Interaction', toolbar_mouse_event); buttongrp.append(button); var titlebar = this.root.find($('.ui-dialog-titlebar')); titlebar.prepend(buttongrp);}mpl.figure.prototype._root_extra_style = function(el){ var fig = this el.on("remove", function(){fig.close_ws(fig, {}); });}mpl.figure.prototype._canvas_extra_style = function(el){ // this is important to make the div 'focusable el.attr('tabindex', 0) // reach out to IPython and tell the keyboard manager to turn it's self // off when our div gets focus // location in version 3 if (IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager) { IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager.register_events(el); } else { // location in version 2 IPython.keyboard_manager.register_events(el); }}mpl.figure.prototype._key_event_extra = function(event, name) { var manager = IPython.notebook.keyboard_manager; if (!manager) manager = IPython.keyboard_manager; // Check for shift+enter if (event.shiftKey && event.which == 13) { this.canvas_div.blur(); event.shiftKey = false; // Send a "J" for go to next cell event.which = 74; event.keyCode = 74; manager.command_mode(); manager.handle_keydown(event); }}mpl.figure.prototype.handle_save = function(fig, msg) { fig.ondownload(fig, null);}mpl.find_output_cell = function(html_output) { // Return the cell and output element which can be found *uniquely* in the notebook. // Note - this is a bit hacky, but it is done because the "notebook_saving.Notebook" // IPython event is triggered only after the cells have been serialised, which for // our purposes (turning an active figure into a static one), is too late. var cells = IPython.notebook.get_cells(); var ncells = cells.length; for (var i=0; i

= 3 moved mimebundle to data attribute of output data = data.data; } if (data['text/html'] == html_output) { return [cell, data, j]; } } } }}// Register the function which deals with the matplotlib target/channel.// The kernel may be null if the page has been refreshed.if (IPython.notebook.kernel != null) { IPython.notebook.kernel.comm_manager.register_target('matplotlib', mpl.mpl_figure_comm);}

3D Plotting — Python Numerical Methods (5)

Try to rotate the above figure, and get a 3D view of the plot. You may notice that we also set the labelpad=20 to the 3-axis labels, which will make the label not overlap with the tick texts.

We could also plot 3D scatter plot using scatter function.

TRY IT! Make a 3D scatter plot with randomly generate 50 data points for x, y, and z. Set the point color as red, and size of the point as 50.

# We can turn off the interactive plot using %matplotlib inline%matplotlib inline
x = np.random.random(50)y = np.random.random(50)z = np.random.random(50)fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,10))ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')ax.grid()ax.scatter(x, y, z, c = 'r', s = 50)ax.set_title('3D Scatter Plot')# Set axes labelax.set_xlabel('x', labelpad=20)ax.set_ylabel('y', labelpad=20)ax.set_zlabel('z', labelpad=20)plt.show()

3D Plotting — Python Numerical Methods (6)

Many times we would like a surface plot rather than a line plot when plotting in three dimensions. In three-dimensional surface plotting, we wish to make a graph of some relationship f (x, y). In surface plotting all (x,y) pairs must be given. This is not straightforward to do using vectors. Therefore, in surface plotting, the first data structure you must create is called a mesh. Given lists/arrays of x and y values, a mesh is a listing of all the possible combinations of x and y. In Python, the mesh is given as two arrays X and Y where X (i,j) and Y (i,j) define possible (x,y) pairs. A third array, Z, can then be created such that Z (i,j) = f (X (i,j), Y (i,j)). A mesh can be created using the np.meshgrid function in Python. The meshgrid function has the inputs x and y are lists containing the independent data set. The output variables X and Y are as described earlier.

TRY IT! Create a mesh for x = [1, 2, 3, 4] and y = [3, 4, 5] using the meshgrid function.

x = [1, 2, 3, 4]y = [3, 4, 5]X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)print(X)
[[1 2 3 4] [1 2 3 4] [1 2 3 4]]
[[3 3 3 3] [4 4 4 4] [5 5 5 5]]

We could plot 3D surfaces in Python too, the function to plot the 3D surfaces is plot_surface(X,Y,Z), where X and Y are the output arrays from meshgrid, and \(Z = f (X,Y)\) or \(Z (i,j) = f (X (i,j),Y (i,j))\). The most common surface plotting functions are surf and contour.

TRY IT! Make a plot of the surface \(f(x,y) = sin(x)\cdot cos(y) for -5\le x\le5, -5\le y\le5\) using the plot_surface function. Take care to use a sufficiently fine discretization in x and y to make the plot look smooth.

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,10))ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')x = np.arange(-5, 5.1, 0.2)y = np.arange(-5, 5.1, 0.2)X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)Z = np.sin(X)*np.cos(Y)surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap = plt.cm.cividis)# Set axes labelax.set_xlabel('x', labelpad=20)ax.set_ylabel('y', labelpad=20)ax.set_zlabel('z', labelpad=20)fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=8)plt.show()

3D Plotting — Python Numerical Methods (7)

You will notice that the surface plot shows different colors for different elevations, yellow for higher and blue for lower, since we used the colormap plt.cm.cividis in the surface plot. You can change to different color schemes for the surface plot. These are left as exercises. We also plotted a colorbar to show the corresponding colors to different values.

We could have subplots of different 3D plots as well. We could use the add_subplot function from the figure object we created to generate the subplots for 3D cases.

TRY IT! Make a 1 by 2 subplot to plot the above X, Y, Z data in wireframe plot and surface plot.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d')ax.plot_wireframe(X,Y,Z)ax.set_title('Wireframe plot')ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection='3d')ax.plot_surface(X,Y,Z)ax.set_title('Surface plot')plt.tight_layout()plt.show()

3D Plotting — Python Numerical Methods (8)

There are many more functions related to plotting in Python and this is in no way an exhaustive list. However, it should be enough to get you started so that you can find the plotting functions in Python that suit you best and provide you with enough background to learn how to use them when you encounter them. You can find more examples of different type 3D plots on the mplot3d tutorial website.

< 12.1 2D Plotting | Contents | 12.3 Working with Maps >

3D Plotting — Python Numerical Methods (2024)


Can Python plot 3D graphs? ›

We could plot 3D surfaces in Python too, the function to plot the 3D surfaces is plot_surface(X,Y,Z), where X and Y are the output arrays from meshgrid, and Z=f(X,Y) or Z(i,j)=f(X(i,j),Y(i,j)).

How to do surface plots in Python? ›

3D Surface Plots in Python
  1. Topographical 3D Surface Plot.
  2. Passing x and y data to 3D Surface Plot. ...
  3. Surface Plot With Contours.
  4. Display and customize contour data for each axis using the contours attribute (reference).
  5. Configure Surface Contour Levels. ...
  6. Multiple 3D Surface Plots.
  7. Setting the Surface Color. ...
  8. Reference.

Which toolkit is imported for 3D plotting? ›

Generating 3D plots using the mplot3d toolkit. Multiple 3D subplots can be added on the same figure, as for 2D subplots.

How do you plot a line in 3D in Python? ›

3-Dimensional Line Graph Using Matplotlib

For plotting the 3-Dimensional line graph we will use the mplot3d function from the mpl_toolkits library. For plotting lines in 3D we will have to initialize three variable points for the line equation. In our case, we will define three variables as x, y, and z.

Is Python good for plotting? ›

Python offers several plotting libraries, namely Matplotlib, Seaborn and many other such data visualization packages with different features for creating informative, customized, and appealing plots to present data in the most simple and effective way.

Is Python good for 3D animation? ›

Python offers a variety of tools for creating animations, ranging from simple 2D animations to complex 3D animations using Blender. Depending on your project's requirements, you can choose the appropriate library to bring your ideas to life.

How to plot 3 variables in Python? ›

Three-Dimensional Plotting in Matplotlib
  1. from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d.
  2. %matplotlib inline import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt.
  3. fig = plt. figure() ax = plt. ...
  4. fig = plt. figure() ax = plt. ...
  5. ax. view_init(60, 35) fig. ...
  6. fig = plt. figure() ax = plt. ...
  7. ax = plt. axes(projection='3d') ax. ...
  8. theta = 2 * np. pi * np.

How do you make a good plot in Python? ›

Making pretty plots in Python: customizing plots in matplotlib
  1. Distinguish different types of information.
  2. Emphasize what's important by using colors strategically.
  3. Ditch the box.
  4. Make the legend be effortless to read.
  5. Size fonts for the reader.
  6. Make your figure crystal clear by saving at a high resolution.

How do you superimpose two plots in Python? ›

To plot multiple graphs on one plot, follow these steps.
  1. Install and import the matplotlib and NumPy library. ...
  2. Create an array of time using the np. ...
  3. Now plot the graph one as plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(t, 'r- -') plt.xlabel('Plot 1)
  4. Similarly, plot graph 2 as … ...
  5. Now show both the graph in one plot as…
Oct 10, 2022

How to do a 3D scatter plot in Python? ›

Generally 3D scatter plot is created by using ax. scatter3D() the function of the matplotlib library which accepts a data sets of X, Y and Z to create the plot while the rest of the attributes of the function are the same as that of two dimensional scatter plot.

How to rotate matplotlib 3D graph? ›

Matplotlib mplot3d toolkit

The interactive backends also provide the ability to rotate and zoom the 3D scene. One can rotate the 3D scene by simply clicking-and-dragging the scene. Zooming is done by right-clicking the scene and dragging the mouse up and down.

How to plot a 3D numpy array in Python? ›

Creating a 3D plot in Matplotlib from a 3D numpy array
  1. Create a new figure or activate an existing figure using figure() method.
  2. Add an '~. axes. ...
  3. Create a random data of size=(3, 3, 3).
  4. Extract x, y, and z data from the 3D array.
  5. Plot 3D scattered points on the created axis.
  6. To display the figure, use show() method.
May 15, 2021

Is Plotly better than Matplotlib? ›

Ease of Use: Plotly's syntax is user-friendly and intuitive, often requiring fewer lines of code to generate complex visualizations compared to Matplotlib. This makes it accessible for beginners and efficient for those who need to create plots quickly.

How do you plot a 3D interactive plot in Python? ›

To plot 3-D plots in python, we need to import the mplot3d library from the standard installation of matplotlib library from python. As matplotlib is a third-party library, it doesn't come with a standard installation of python, so you need to install matplotlib before following this article.

How do you animate a 3D plot in Python? ›

  1. Import required module.
  2. Create a 3d figure.
  3. Create sample data.
  4. Animate 360 views of the graph.
  5. Display Graph.
Feb 18, 2023

Can Python do 3D graphics? ›

Python can be utilized for 3D demonstrating and delivering through different libraries and structures. One well known library for 3D illustrations in Python is PyOpenGL, which gives ties to OpenGL (Open Designs Library). OpenGL is a strong cross-stage Programming interface for delivering 2D and 3D designs.

How do you plot a 3D bar plot in Python? ›

How to plot 3D bar charts using matplotlib in python?
  1. Import necessary libraries.
  2. Import styles library.
  3. Load the data sample.
  4. Use bar3D() to plot 3D bar chart.

How do I plot a 3D curve in Matplotlib? ›

To plot a three-dimensional dataset, first, we will import the mplot3d toolkit, which adds 3D plotting functionality to Python matplotlib, and also we have to import other necessary libraries. Next, we need to create 3D axes and input data to the axes. A 3D axes object was created with ax = plt. axes(projection='3d').

How do you plot a 3D graph in Jupyter? ›

Make 3D plot interactive in Jupyter Notebook (Python & Matplotlib...
  1. Create a new figure, or activate an existing figure.
  2. Create fig and ax variables using subplots method, where default nrows and ncols are 1, projection='3d”.
  3. Get x, y and z using np. ...
  4. Plot the 3D wireframe, using x, y, z and color="red".
Mar 17, 2021


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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.